Video games like Mario or Tetris were played on television sets attached to gaming consoles in earlier days. But with the change in the gaming industry, there is an enormous expanse in this field. Video games are an addiction for children as well as adults but some theories suggest that playing them has some benefits also.

So, removing the cloak of negative reputation from the video games, let us take a look at the list of 10 benefits of playing video games:

  1. Hand and eye co-ordination-

Hand-eye coordination improves when children play video games. The motor skills enhance when the brain’s areas work on a specific set of skills. Thus, the coordination of hands and visuals make the brain act speedily. It is a common belief that excess of playing on the screen can damage the eye muscles. But the moderate playing of video games benefits vision.

  1. Reduces stress

When the stress level rises and one needs to unwind, playing video games releases tension and fights depression in some cases. Gaming is an engrossing time pass. Playing and winning in a game gives a player a sort of feeling of achievement. When a person is alone games in mobiles are their sole companion. Gaming ranks higher than watching T.V. for removing fatigue and stress.

  1. Improving motor skills

When a child or an adult play video games they use their motor nerves and act swiftly in a particular situation. Young kids improve their motor skills while playing on mobiles.

  1. Fast decision making

Quick decision making is a part of video games. Children have to act fast and take some important decisions to win a game. So, it improves the ability to make decisions.

  1. Relief from pain

Allowing a patient who is suffering from pain to play a video game is sometimes the best remedial suggestion. It distracts temporarily from one's pain whether it’s a child or adult.

  1. Great focus

A player has to focus on many objectives while playing a game. He gets immersed in the game completely to win it. Thus the ability to focus increases manifold.

  1. Teaching method

Many new schools have come up with the idea of teaching children with educational video games. With the introduction of video games in school, a creative learning atmosphere is inculcated.

  1. Team spirit

Multiplayer game sequences are meant to improve team spirit in students and teenagers. Like sports played in the fields, video games can also develop team spirit in children.

  1. Improve communication skills

Children interact with their friends and sometimes with new people while playing online games. Playing videogame is a boon that their hesitation to meet new people and talk to them goes away.

  1. Enhances Self Confidence

When a child or an adult wins the game from amongst many participants he/she feels on top of the world. He/she forgets his real-life failures and moves ahead in life.

Gaming has positive and negative effects on the life of people. But, it is true that the way you deal with it makes a lot of difference.