Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born

Our lives are encompassed with technologies in the present day. We take great pride in our modern lifestyles. The various gadgets and technologies that we use have made our daily lives much more convenient. We can work now in a more efficient way as well, be it in the house or outside. But we should remember that the term ‘technology’ is not a modern-day concept. Anything that was not present before we were born seems to us as technology. We can understand or are taught that the equipment or a particular object was invented or created by some kind of technology to meet a purpose.

 Inventions are made from the primitive days. Any new discovery has brought with it oppose controversy, struggle and later acceptance. All these have helped to shape the modern-day lifestyles that we are proud of. It is not the work of a single person but millions of brains are involved in this long and wonderful journey of modernisation. What seems to be new and interesting at present may not be able to create the same sensation in the minds of future generations. Because by that time it will become a common feature that is in use for a long period of time. It may also be declared as outdated as a new concept has already replaced it or about to with its more upgraded features.

At present, we can connect with different people around the world while sitting at the couch inside our home through telephone, mobile or internet. We cannot imagine the world without the equipment or the gadgets that are in use. Imagine the same world just 50 to 60 years back. Although the telephone was invented by that time, it was really difficult to access or was not much affordable by many. People of that time cannot imagine about wireless telephone which we can carry with us while traveling or the concept of the internet was unknown. When electricity was invented many had difficulty to accept it. Some even compared it with sorcery. All these seem to be funny nowadays but the majority of the population rejected the concept. As time passed this concept and equipment eventually came into existence as a result of constant research and invention. It was gradually accepted by the mass. The future generation may even find these objects old and wear out as something advance will take over its place.

Although, we should not forget that every great invention comes with a responsibility towards the community and the world. Science and technology can be considered as boon if used for the benefits of the world. The similar can become the cause of woes for many if not used in a proper way.

From the invention of fire in pre-historic times to the discovery of AI in the modern world, all are part of various technologies that have been using. This concept has been rightfully described in the words of Edward Teller, the famous American Nuclear Physicist, “The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.”