Ever Rising Profile

The popularity of video games ever since the time it hit the screens is growing in leaps and bounds. And in the 21st century, its influence is truly beyond doubt. The interest cuts across all the age brackets-the young as well as the old. The appearance of these games on mobile and the fact that every adult owns at least one mobile device has brought about the ever-increasing profile of the video games among the young and old. There is a great connection between these games and every player. 


Why is this so?

  • The games are easily accessible on mobile devices
  • The download is easy and in some cases absolutely free
  • Helps to kill boredom
  • It has gone in some instance to help in relieving stress

The above factors and several others that are related is the reason that can be attributed to the increasing profile of the video games amongst the people.

Solves Global And Social-Political Problems

Taking it further, let us go into the advice given by no less a person than the personality of the game developer- evangelist Jane McGonigal. She is of the strong belief that playing more of video games is the antidote that the world needs to overcome the myriad of political and socio-cultural problems that are currently affecting us as an entity in this world. We might not agree with her verbatim, the fact remains that video games have what it takes to change the culture of people.

The Economic And Cultural Status

The video games today enjoy more of economic and cultural status over the traditional games that we have around us. The stats are there in support of this fact. It has grown over the past three decades from being a pastime for adolescence to a game that catches the interests and fancy of all and sundry. The online casual variants of these games are popular among women. The interest generated among men has also drastically increased over the years.

In The Academia

Perhaps the greatest proof that the video game has indeed taken over the soul and mind of the people is the great inroads it has made into the world of academics. It is now a discipline that is been studied in some universities across the world as at this year 2019. You are going to find video studies as a curriculum in major universities that spread across America, Europe, and Asia. 

It Now Taken Seriously

From the early days, it was intended as an object of fun but the status of the video games has significantly upgraded over time. It is now considered something very serious and this account for the fact that is now used in the following core areas of human activities:

  • Education And Training
  • Communication Of Health Issues
  • Politics For Propaganda
  • Motivational Purposes.

The video games as it now stands today are a major lubricant to the soul and body of the entity called human.