It is a common belief since the inception of video gaming that it will make kids complete addicts. Although it is entertaining to play colorful and fast video games with digital images, it is not wrong to say that the video games are a sort of diversion from studies and social life in a student’s life.

But, this is also true that playing video games have some good effects on the third part of the brain. Video gaming helps to stimulate some important parts of the brain and aids to improve the brain’s performance. Cognitive benefits involve improved stimulation time and mental flexibility of a child. There is a reduction in the level of stress also.

Let us take a look at the cognitive benefits of playing video games:

  1. Enhance problem-solving

Playing video games has a massive impact on thinking ability. These games have some definite and particular rules. So, on-screen playing requires a lot of instant decision making, thus enhancing problem-solving skills.

  1.  Ability to coordinate improves

Instilling hand-mind coordination in the child from preschool itself is a given. Children go through a lot of activities in playschool to improve their ability to coordinate their visual, audial and physical movements of hands and legs. Video games activate mental stimulation and coordination actions in children.

  1.  Memory enrichment

When a child is playing a video game, he/she needs to follow all the instructions and rules in the game. This way the player remembers many characters and rules for the entire gaming sequence. Thus enriching short term and long term memory of kids. The child also tries to imply the cheat codes and uses various tools at different times of action while crossing game levels. So, his observation and brain speed increases manifold. Frequent online players are more responsive than others.

  1.  Improves Concentration

Video games have a variety of characters and jargon. These games are mostly full of action. So, the player needs to hook to the screen for winning and achieving the highest points. With the rise in levels of the game, the concentration of the player also increases.

  1.  Source of learning

Video games are built with the latest technology and visual effects. The creators of the game industry are very highly qualified technicians. They include many locations and techniques in the games which make the children aware of the world around them. Sometimes some games are educational which are beneficial to teenagers and kids. Some teaching institutes comprise simple video games as a learning tool for kids. They are aimed at improving the creative skill as well as the cognitive abilities of the child.

So playing video games are advocated by many child psychologists and behavioral experts. It is indeed true to some extent that playing video games are useful also. The game creators should take steps to focus on brain training games. So, as long as the child plays in a moderate manner, it is a boon.