There are more than 50 amazing gaming titles, and they all are good but picking the top 10 is a difficult task as every game has something different and unique to offer. Video games have been making us feel better but things have changed in this virtual world rapidly since the last two decades. Some video games have managed to maintain the legacy as now they have extensive family trees, up gradation so, after scrolling down several surveys, reviews and word of mouth here are the 10 most influential titles in the history of gaming.

1)  Doom

The plot of doom was simple yet unique: the player is space marine on Martin moon Phobos fighting creatures from hell. The design and graphics are brilliant, with excellent controls and weird enemies. These took gamers to another level by rocket launchers, shotgun and BFG 9000.


The plot was a criminal looking to score quick cash by completing missions. The best thing about it is there is no compulsion to complete the mission the player could simply become a cab driver and earn.

3)  The Sims

The plot is to put a bunch of Sims in a house and to look after them. The player can educate them, find a job and start a family. It sounds like playing house but Sims had a lot to offer which made it one of the best selling PC games.

4)  Half-Life

Half-life is inspired by a Stephen King's Novel The Mist, and it is one of the greatest games in gaming history. Half-Life features excellent graphics, AI which is complemented by realistic physics.

5)  Max Payne

The game is inspired by the Hong Kong film The Matrix; this game turned a chaotic shooting into smart gunplay. The graphic novel narration and neo-noir feel are what made Max Payne an instant hit.

6)  Pac-Man, 1980

The simple intention of resembling a pizza with a missing piece, Pac ma climbed the ladder of fame swiftly who taught the gaming industry the value of video game mascot. Pac man was a pop culture icon.

7)  Super Mario Bros, 1985

Super Mario made using a joystick an adventurous experience. Every game had a controllable character and explorable world. Mario revolutionized the gaming industry by bringing the new elusive concept of gaming.

8)  Metal Gear Solid

It is an adventure cum action stealth video game that follows solid snake that infiltrates a nuclear facility to neutralize a terrorist threat. It is said to be one of the important video games of all time.

9)  Tetris

This ingenious shape sorting puzzle was deceptively simple made the title devilishly compelling that inspired a whole generation to solve puzzle titles. 

10)  Gears of War

This game is one of the best shooting games that redefined cover-based combat and over the shoulder view. This is the best-played game for any game console.

To be reasonable, jotting down 10 best games was a difficult task but this list has tried to do them justice by involving almost every aspect and the dimension of gaming. From shooting to puzzles to arcades this list tried covering everything. Games have played an important role in every kid’s life and this article is a trip down that memory lane.